Thursday, September 02, 2010

Clarendon Anatomy

Clarendon is immediately identified as big, bold, and heavy. It is part of the Egyptian class typefaces, meaning that the serifs are extra large and heavy.  Not only are they heavy, they're squared. Because it is so bold, and easy to read. This is why it is used in park systems. I have to say, out of all the fonts we are to study Clarendon is my favorite because its so simple, but so striking.

While its' peers has various anatomical parts, my letter X has very few anatomical parts. There are only about five.

Anatomy of an X:
1. cap height - which is the distance between the base line and the top of the capital letter.
2. serif- is the foot at the end of a stroke.
3. crotch- (hey look at that, not just found on the human body, but also found in letters) crotch is the space on the inside of a letter space where two strokes meet.
4. Bracket- the transition between the serif and the stem.
5. Baseline- the imaginary line that defines the visual base of the letter form.

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